I believe that we are all artists, that art is a universal and beneficial way of expression for those who practice it. Teaching the arts has always been part of my career and the sharing that comes from it between the students and the teacher is extremely satisfying.
I have been interested in abstract art since the end of my studies in visual arts at Concordia University in 2001. The realistic aspect came later during a 7-year stay in the United States where I attended The Academy of Realist Art in Boston. Academic training par excellence such as that which was taught in the French academies at the end of the 19th century. I started there as a student and became an instructor, much to my delight.
Since then, I have been interested in both forms of expression and I am very enthusiastic about the idea of transmitting my knowledge and sharing workshop time with anyone who is curious and eager for discoveries and learning.
I offer different exploration workshops. Visit the sectionWORKSHOPS to find out when they will take place and the subject that will be taught.